sábado, 26 de março de 2011

Just practice...
Thank you, Wi, for helping me with this and all the things i've been attempting recently. <3

segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011

Dance animation!

An exercise done at Melies on my animation course. All the students worked on this and I think that, for out first experience using video reference and us being noobs, it looks decent!
I like it a lot! Not my part though, cuz I was extremely neglecting the exercise after some time, when things started to look weird and my patience was ruined! -__- I just like the effect animated! woo
My part is the second one! It was nice, however, using a video reference for it! Very challenging!


EDIT: Look how awesome! I sent a Personal Message on Youtube to Parov Stelar - the dancer from the original video - showing him the animation we, the students who created the animation, did and he replied!!

"I'm speechless! (but fortunately I can still type so as to express my amazement)

This is an incredible honor. The students did such a fantastic job! Each of them drew with such a distinct style. The minimalist sketch animation seemed to perfectly capture the movement and the overall essence of the dance. It looked so easy for them. And when I thought it was all over, I was blown away with a glimpse of the production process at the end.

Thanks to all their hard work. I hope you don't mind if I'll show this to everyone I know.

And thank you for showing me this work.

Best Regards,

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

Clique para ampliar!

Golden Retriever retardado = Divertido desenhar
Este é o Bob, do meu namorado William, o lindo exemplar da raça Golden Retriever.
Concept para meu curta.


Retarded Golden Retriever = Fun to draw.
This is Bob, my boyfriend's amazing Golden Retriever.
Concept for my animated short.